Olivença belongs to Portugal

Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal
Olivença belongs to Portugal

This sign is slightly different, though. In contrast to the symbolism the 12 stars represent, someone has spray-painted “Olivença é nossa é português” below the word “España (Olizenza is ours it’s Portuguese).

Olivenza (or Olivença) is a small town in Extremadura that’s part of a border dispute between Spain and Portugal. The town is in Spain, but Portugal says it’s rightfully theirs.

Although the Guadiana River presents a natural border separating Spain and Portugal, Olivenza, which is another 14 km inland, was part of Portugal from 1297 until 1801.

In 1801, during the War of the Oranges, French and Spanish troops led by Manuel de Godoy captured Olivença. When the Treaty of Badajoz was signed on 6 June 1801, Olivenza was kept by Spain.

According to Spain, the Treaty of Badajoz has never been revoked and so Olivenza is in Spain. According to Portugal, the treaty was automatically revoked when Spain invaded Portugal in the Peninsular War of 1807 as this broke the terms of the Treaty of Badajoz. Portugal also makes the case that Article 105 of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 says that Spain must return Olivenza to Portugal

Spain signed the treaty in 1817, but doesn’t believe that’s what Article 105 says. Interestingly, Portugal has also never made a formal claim to try and get Olizenza back.

It was obviously a big issue back in 1817 when Portugal put Article 105 in the treaty but, since they haven’t made a claim in over 200 years, it’s unlikely they’ll make a formal claim any time soon. That said, Portugal has never officially recognised Olizenza as being part of Spain and the issue does come up in Portuguese politics from time to time.

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